Thursday, September 3, 2020

Should We Clone Essays - Cloning, Genetics, Biotechnology

Should We Clone Should We Clone Cloning is a logical procedure that can possibly better people and different species the same: nonetheless, the resonating contrary repercussions far exceed these likely advantages. Cloning is naturally characterized as the development of an exceptional chromosome by physical cell combination, cytogenetic control, or organelle presentation into cells by methods for hereditary microsurgery. (Funk and Wagnall?s, 1) This procedure has been finished effectively in spite of the fact that the exactness, accuracy, and consistency are deficient. Indeed, even secluded experimentation of cloning on living species is perilous. Whenever the common rhythms of human life are disturbed in such an earth shattering way, shocking results will undoubtedly unfurl. Cloning is an incredibly useful asset that worries about extraordinary concerns, and, so as to appropriately pass on this message, it is important to clarify the strategies, history, morals, and reasons of cloning. Prior to proceeding with procedures or history, it is essential to comprehend two things: what cloning is and what is a clone. Cloning, in its least complex term, is the procedure of delivering a hereditarily indistinguishable copy of a life form. A clone is any relative inferred abiogenetically structure a solitary individual, as by cuttings, bulbs, splitting, mitosis, or parthenogenesis propagation. (Hoffman 78) There are clones that grow normally wherever you look. Microorganisms, green growth, unicellular life forms, organisms, spineless creatures, and plants are on the whole instances of clones. Indeed, even people clone in uncommon cases, as what we call indistinguishable twins. The historical backdrop of cloning extends a lot farther back than the vast majority think. The primary endeavors at cloning have been archived back to the start of this century. Adolph Edward Driesch was the main researcher to try different things with this procedure. He had the option to isolate the egg of an ocean urchin by shaking it in a test tube, which isolated the egg, transforming it into two smaller person ocean urchins. Despite the fact that Dreisch had the option to lead a straightforward cloning, he was always unable to clarify his discoveries and in the end surrendered and changed his region of study to reasoning. In 1952, Robert Briggs and Thomas J* King, who were researchers in Philadelphia, were the first to embed a core into an egg cell, utilizing the cores of Leopard Frogs? eggs. Shockingly the methodology was fruitless, however in the mid 1970?s Dr. John. Gurden effectively moved the frog cores and had the option to form the frog?s eggs into tadpoles. Researchers declared in 1981 that they had transplanted mouse cores of incipient organisms into mouse eggs: be that as it may, these discoveries were esteemed manufactured after a few different researchers attempted and were ineffective. Other than the two discoveries depicted, barely any different analyses during this timespan were fruitful, or even directed. Most researchers of the late seventies and mid eighties had decided cloning of early stage warm blooded animal cells to be unthinkable. These perspectives were definitely changed in 1984 when Dr. Steene Willadson announced effectively moving cores from a sheep undeveloped organism to deliver clones. Following this achievement, Dr. Willadson went on to effectively clone bovine and monkey incipient organisms in a similar way. Creating upon Dr. Willadson?s discoveries, in 1994 Dr. Neal First created dairy animals by atomic exchange from significantly more created undeveloped organisms that had ever been recently utilized. His next authentic accomplishment was cloning and creating Megan and Morag, the first cloned sheep from undeveloped organism cells. Odds are, the principal believed that enters a people mind when talking about cloning is Dolly, the sheep that stood out as truly newsworthy everywhere throughout the world in 1997. Clearly, this was not the principal cloning to ever occur, however what was earth shattering about Dolly was that they had cloned a warm blooded animal from a grown-up cell. Dr. Ian Wilmut and Dr. Keith Campbell did this, the two embryologists in Edinburgh, Scotland. The two had the option to clone cart by setting the mammary cell of a sheep into an egg, at that point transplanting the created incipient organism of the egg into an ewe, which went about as a substitute mother. A half year later, on July 4, Dolly was conceived gauging fourteen pounds and fit as a fiddle. This single occasion has been the establishment of discussions throughout the previous two years on the common sense, perils, and morals of experimentally cloning living species. Having talked about the history and procedures of cloning, it is essential to find the utilizations cloning has on living species.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Synthesis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Combination - Research Paper Example The Serpent of Paradise was composed by Edward Abbey. Also, in this work he centers around his experience like a recreation center officer in the south-eastern Utah’s Arches National Monument. The most significant topics of Edward Abbey are-exploitation’s of flawless condition by the travelers and People’s family relationship towards the creatures. The Themes Present in the Works: â€Å"The liberation considered as the drawing in, dramatic, brimming with quick paced puzzle and wonderful writing portraying the common habitat that will before long be pulverized by a force company’s dam† (Cusatis p.110). The principle topic of Deliverance is that of the endurance in the nature against its overwhelming chances. What's more, the fundamental subjects that are available in the Serpents of Paradise are-exploitation’s of perfect condition by the travelers and People’s connection towards the creatures. A portion of different topics as present in the Most Dangerous game seem to be; Arrogance: Rainsford, an egotistical creature tracker and he have no torment or dread. Furthermore, Zaroff, another self-important tracker and he feel that so as to engage himself, he should chase people. Savagery: It identifies with the conduct of characters towards one another and furthermore towards the encompassing creatures. Corruption of man: â€Å"The last and most predominant topic is the Degradation of Man† (Marin p.5). It manages the corruption of man from being a unimportant creature tracker to being a tracker of man and the progressions from being tracker to that of a killer. The Common Themes in these Works: While contrasting crafted by The Deliverance, The Serpents of Paradise and The Most Dangerous Game; we can locate a typical subject which is available in every one of these works i.e., the mentality of people towards the nature. Man’s battle and endurance in the wild. Every one of these works center around this spec ific subject and the creator depicts this topic with different episodes In Deliverance, James Dickey speaks to the topic so that before the excursion begins, the three among the four explorers doesn't have any involvement with the excursion through the backwoods. Lewis Medlock who is one among the four is a survivalist and prepared outdoorsmen who truly designs the excursion and aides the gathering. The focal point of the novel is that of the rape and the assault by two mountain dwellers in the waterway bank and which prompts a grouping of homicide. During the excursion they confronted a great deal of contentions from the nature and from men. What's more, they battled a great deal to conquer these challenges that is, during their kayak ride they stood up to with the Rough River and furthermore they went up against a contention with the two hillbillies. Despite the fact that one among the four passed on and they attempted to have a battle with the neighborhood men in the wood and the y had the option to escape from it. Every one of these episodes show that man battles for endurance and they all take in an encounter from this excursion. In the start of the story, Ed was deficient with regards to the information about the nature and in the wake of confronting all the challenges through the excursion, their demeanor toward the excursion have changed a ton and they consider nature as increasingly incredible and subsequently they opinioned that regard ought to be given to the nature. In the Serpents of Paradise by Edward Abbey, he is seeing the Arches national park as wild. This work gives the

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Profile and Common Characteristics of a Pedophile

Profile and Common Characteristics of a Pedophile Pedophiliaâ is a mental issue where a grown-up or more established youthful is explicitly pulled in to little youngsters. Pedophiles can be anybody old or youthful, rich or poor, instructed or uneducated, non-expert or proficient, and of any race. Be that as it may, pedophiles regularly exhibit comparable qualities. These are only pointers and it ought not be accepted that people with these attributes are pedophiles. In any case, information on these attributes combined with sketchy conduct can be utilized as a ready that somebody might be a pedophile. Profile and Behavior Frequently male and more than 30 years of age.Single or with barely any companions in his age group.Some have psychological sickness, for example, a state of mind or character disorder.If wedded, the relationship is more partner based with no sexual relations in the early stages.Vague about delays in business which may demonstrate a misfortune in work for flawed reasons or conceivable past incarceration.Often converse with or treat kids like grown-ups. Interests and Hobbies Regularly entranced with kids and youngster exercises, seeming to lean toward those exercises to grown-up situated activities.Often allude to kids in unadulterated or saintly terms utilizing clear words like honest, wonderful, divine, unadulterated, and different words that portray kids yet appear to be wrong and exaggerated.Hobbies are untainted, for example, gathering famous costly toys, keeping reptiles or outlandish pets, or building plane and vehicle models. Explicit Age Targets Explicit period of kid they focus on; some incline toward more youthful youngsters, some older.Often his condition or an uncommon room will be enriched in kid like stylistic theme and will engage the age and sex of the kid he is attempting to entice.Often favor kids near pubescence who are explicitly unpracticed, yet inquisitive about sex. Connections Much of the time, the pedophileâ turns out to be somebody known to the youngster through school or another action, for example, a neighbor, educator, mentor, individual from the pastorate, music teacher, or sitter. Relatives like moms, fathers, grandmas, granddads, aunties, uncles, cousins, stepparents, etc may likewise be sexual stalkers. Business The pedophile will frequently be utilized in a place that includes day by day contact with youngsters. If not utilized, he will set himself in a place to accomplish charitable effort with kids, frequently in an administrative limit, for example, sports training, physical game guidance, solo coaching or a position where he has the chance to invest unaided energy with a youngster. The pedophile frequently searches out timid, crippled, and pulled back kids, or the individuals who originate from upset homes or oppressed homes. He at that point showers them with consideration, endowments, provoking them with excursions to attractive spots like event congregations, zoos, shows, the sea shore, and other such places. Pedophiles work to ace their manipulative abilities and frequently release them on disturbed kids by first turning into their companion, assembling the childs confidence. They may allude to the kid as uncommon or develop, speaking to their should be heard and comprehended, to then tempt them with grown-up exercises with sexual substance like x-evaluated motion pictures or pictures. Preparing like this frequently obliges utilization of liquor or medications to hamper the capacity to oppose or review occasions that happened. Minor youngsters can't assent, and sex without assent is assault. capture-bonding It isn't unordinary for the youngster to create affections for the predator and want their endorsement and proceeded with acknowledgment. They will bargain their inborn capacity to interpret great and terrible conduct, at last advocating the hoodlums awful conduct out of compassion and worry for the grown-ups government assistance. This is regularly contrasted with Stockholm Syndrome-when casualties become appended genuinely to their captors. Kinship With Parents Commonly pedophiles will build up a cozy relationship with a solitary parent so as to draw near to their youngsters. Once inside the home, they have numerous chances to control the youngsters utilizing blame, dread, and love to befuddle the kid. On the off chance that the childs parent works, it offers the pedophile the private time expected to manhandle the kid. Retaliating Pedophiles take a stab at following their objectives and will quietly work to create associations with them. It isn't phenomenal for them to be building up a not insignificant rundown of potential casualties at any one time. A considerable lot of them accept that what they are doing is right and that engaging in sexual relations with a kid is really solid for the youngster. Practically all pedophiles have an assortment of erotic entertainment, which they ensure no matter what. Huge numbers of them additionally gather trinkets from their casualties. They infrequently dispose of either their pornography or assortments in any capacity whatsoever. One factor that neutralizes the pedophile is that in the end the youngsters will grow up and review the occasions that happened. Frequently pedophiles are not brought to equity until such time happens and casualties are maddened by being exploited and need to shield other youngsters from similar outcomes. Laws, for example, Megans Law-a government law went in 1996 that approves nearby law authorization offices to tell the general population about sentenced sex guilty parties living, working or visiting their networks, have helped uncover the pedophile and permits guardians to more readily secure their kids.

Assessing strategies to combat neighbourhood disputes (Anti-social behaviour)

Surveying techniques to battle neighborhood debates (Anti-social conduct) in denied committee home zones: A contextual investigation on the Isle of Dogs, in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets. Undertaking Issue: The Crime and Disorder Act, 1998, characterizes against social conduct as carrying on: â€Å"In a way that caused or was probably going to cause provocation, alert or trouble to at least one people not of a similar family as (the defendant).† (Home Office (a) 2003) As this definition covers a wide scope of violations from prostitution, to having unreasonably high hedges1, I have chosen to explicitly concentrate on neighbor debates, for example, commotion contamination, brutal events, and discourteous refuse dumping and comparative neighbor to neighbor questions. The focal issue of the thesis will be initially, the assessment of how well four inquired about systems used to battle against social conduct, all utilized in four contextual analyses, really battle and forestall hostile to social neighbor debates. Besides, how well those systems would be set to manage neighbor debates in the Isle of Dogs. Every methodology that has been inquired about has an important contextual analysis that shows exactly how that technique functions when sent by and by. Every procedure will be surveyed considering the pertinent contextual investigation. Contextual investigations have been utilized concerning hostile to social neighbor debates from the Isle of Dogs (East London), Blackburn, Manchester, and Scotland. The inquiries that this exposition will try to discover are: * What are the most unmistakable and explored systems that have been examined, assessed, and utilized by scholastics and specialists? * How valuable are every one of these techniques, and what are their quality's and what are their shortcomings? * To what degree, can every one of these procedures be effectively applied to neighbor debates inside the Isle of Dogs, with its own one of a kind circumstance for example assorted ethnic populace, and outrageous neediness on the doorstep to a well off territory (Canary Wharf)? * How high is the degree of hostile to social conduct inside the precinct, comparative with other London districts? * What is so unique or impossible to miss about the Isle of Dogs? I will find this focal issue inside the more extensive setting of the reasons for against social conduct, and think about the different elements of neighbor debates. For instance I will likewise think about the age and racial measurements (Lucey and Reay 1999), and the sex measurements (Nixon and Hunter, 1999), of hostile to social conduct and specifically, neighbor questions. Strategy Outline of the scholarly research required: The point of this undertaking is to explore, investigate, and assess the different contentions and methodologies concerning the best technique to battle hostile to social conduct with respect to neighbor debates. There are three primary techniques or ways to deal with battle (against social) neighbor questions that my exploration has found: 1. Improving rejection from specific territories (as upheld by the administration). This would incorporate laws making it simpler for social landowners to bar or kick out inhabitants from social lodging at little notification. It could likewise incorporate limitation orders whereby the blamed isn't permitted to come quite close to the property or utilize certain language in the nearness, or sound range, of their neighbors as appeared in one of the contextual analyses I have looked into (Home Office, 2003)2. It could likewise come through giving check in time orders3. 2. The second conceivable reaction is the ‘Dundee Families venture model (Hunter, 2003). This is like the 1970's technique for recovery through escalated social work and consistent sustaining of wrongdoers, just as the supporting of network partners. 3. The third methodology is one of the Webster-Stratton program as pushed by a senior teacher at the Institute of Psychiatry Stephen Scott4. This is a parent showing program, like the restoration technique above, yet includes working carefully with small kids (beneath 10 years old) and is situated in a safe domain talking kids through a video introduction, and gathering conversations on how they should diffuse dangerous circumstances when experienced upon. 4. The fourth conceivable methodology is the one pushed by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister: The new arrangement for Communities (NDC) approach whereby enormous totals of cash, à ¯Ã¢ ¿Ã¢ ½800 million, is given to different neighborhoods all through the nation for the recovery of their nearby network. This could include building another park, restoring the nearby network corridor, or making an intentional association planned for tidying up spray painting. Through my primer research in the structure my clarified reference index, I have found that there are broadly differentiating sees with regards to the reasons for hostile to social conduct, and what techniques work in fighting neighbor questions and those that are much progressively combative. Every one of these systems will be inspected in my paper and I intend to investigate and assess the qualities and shortcomings of every one of these methodologies. For every methodology that I have explored I have additionally inquired about a relating contextual investigation that outlines definitely how that system functions by and by. In light of this, I intend to test every procedure by analyzing the pertinent contextual analysis against benchmark factors, for example, * How well would this technique work in the Isle of Dogs? * Who are the primary recipients, and who are the fundamental failures? * Is it commonsense? (for example financially savvy and serviceable in the present political atmosphere) * Does it focus on sex ethnic, or social, contrasts? * Does it construct relations inside the network instead of bar segments of the network? Hostile to social conduct is regularly thought to happen in districts and regions where there is a high thickness of board houses, significant levels of joblessness, and low degrees of instruction openings (Home Office (b), 2003). Anyway this suspicion can be tested, and the primary point of my exploration is to do accurately that, give a fair yet inciting contention giving the two sides of the contention to this discussion. It could be contended that just by going through cash in the recovery (for example assembling new network offices, introducing twofold coating windows, giving awards for neighborhood organizations and so forth) will individuals invest heavily in their networks and their lodging and stop the counter social conduct (Home Office (d), 2003). Anyway it could be contended that just by including those that carry out enemy of social conduct violations into society, would there be a reduction in the measure of neighbor debates [as restricted to barring them from lodging, offices, benefits etc] (Scott, 2001) and (Hunter, 2003). Then again it could be contended that just by some structure rejection can there be a settlement to hostile to social neighbor debates (Home Office (a), 2001. Information assortment: I intend to inquire about and explore: (a) Various scholastics think tanks, and the administration's perspectives on the best way to battle hostile to social conduct. (b) How these techniques are sent on the ground by assessing the contextual investigations that I have chosen. (c) Research past government subsidized enemy of social conduct activities and associations, and assess these cases against the recently referenced benchmarks, for example, * Practicalities, for example, cost, labor, and so on * How the individuals inside the network saw the undertaking * Does it focus on sex ethnic, or social, contrasts? * Does it construct relations inside the network rather than avoid segments of the network? My information assortment procedure will depend intensely upon contextual investigations that I have acquired from different scholastic diaries and government reports. Contextual analyses will be taken from the Isle of Dogs in Tower Hamlets (Nixon and Hunter, 1999), from Scotland (Scott and Parkey, 1998), from across the country considers (Nixon and Hunter. 2001), and the British Medical Journal (Scott, 2001), among others. I have refined my examination sources to be increasingly subject to contextual investigations and diary articles rather than different types of information assortment. This is on the grounds that this particular paper is searching for definite investigations of undertakings that have battled hostile to social conduct debates, instead of general data, or the perspectives on specific individuals. I have likewise contrived a survey that I will advance to a delegate test of 50 Isle of Dogs inhabitants. The poll won't structure a noteworthy piece of my examination, as I will depend vigorously working on it considers. Anyway the aftereffects of the surveys will be utilized to back up, or invalidate, the contentions that I will introduce in my exposition. The inquiries that I will advance to interviewees are as per the following: Survey. What kind of episodes would you depict as hostile to social neighbor debates? How large an issue would you rate hostile to social neighbor questions inside the Isle of Dogs on a size of 1 †10? (1 being not critical and 10 being an incredibly huge issue) Do you feel that the Isle of Dogs has an above national normal degree of hostile to social neighbor debates? What do you believe is the best strategy to forestall neighbor debates concerning grown-ups? * Punish the guardians after a few alerts * Punish the guardians right away * Give the youngsters broad social specialist consideration * Put the youngster and parent through a mentally structured preparing program on the most proficient method to carry on. * Or other, or a mix of these. In the event that so please explain†¦ Have you been engaged with an enemy of social neighbor debate inside the most recent five years? In the event that truly, at that point inquire? (b) Where you a guilty party or a ‘recipient' of the contest? I will pose these inquiries to the interviewee on a balanced premise and will organize these meetings by visiting the nearby Bengali social public venue, the neighborhood high road, the neighborhood caf㠯⠿â ½, and visiting the neighborhood benefits office (give office). Notwithstanding these sources

Friday, August 21, 2020

Deception Point Page 39

â€Å"My source isn't your anxiety. In any case, in the event that you invest some energy contemplating these figures, you will unmistakably observe that Senator Sexton doesn't have the sort of cash he is right now spending. After Katherine passed on, he wasted by far most of her inheritance on terrible ventures, individual solaces, and getting himself what gives off an impression of being sure triumph in the primaries. Starting at a half year back, your applicant was broke.† Gabrielle detected this must be a feign. On the off chance that Sexton were bankrupt, he sure wasn't acting it. He was purchasing promoting time in greater and greater hinders each week. â€Å"Your candidate,† Tench proceeded, â€Å"is at present outspending the President four to one. What's more, he has no close to home money.† â€Å"We get a great deal of donations.† â€Å"Yes, some of them legal.† Gabrielle's head shot up. â€Å"I ask your pardon?† Tench inclined over the work area, and Gabrielle could smell her nicotine breath. â€Å"Gabrielle Ashe, I will ask you an inquiry, and I propose you think cautiously before you answer. It could influence whether you spend the following barely any years in prison or not. Are you mindful that Senator Sexton is tolerating tremendous illicit crusade pay-offs from aviation organizations who have billions to pick up from the privatization of NASA?† Gabrielle gazed. â€Å"That's a crazy allegation!† â€Å"Are you saying you are uninformed of this activity?† â€Å"I figure I would know whether the congressperson were taking kickbacks of the extent you are suggesting.† Tench grinned icily. â€Å"Gabrielle, I comprehend that Senator Sexton has imparted a great deal of himself to you, yet I guarantee you there is bounty you don't think about the man.† Gabrielle held up. â€Å"This meeting is over.† â€Å"On the contrary,† Tench stated, evacuating the rest of the substance of the organizer and spreading it on the work area. â€Å"This meeting is simply beginning.† 44 Inside the habisphere's â€Å"staging room,† Rachel Sexton felt like a space traveler as she slid into one of NASA's Mark IX microclimate endurance suits. The dark, one-piece, hooded jumpsuit looked like an inflatable scuba suit. Its two-handle, adaptable foam texture was fitted with empty channels through which a thick gel was siphoned to enable the wearer to manage internal heat level in both hot and cold situations. Presently, as Rachel pulled the tight-fitting hood over her head, her eyes fell on the NASA manager. He showed up as a quiet sentinel at the entryway, plainly disappointed with the need for this little crucial. Norah Mangor was murmuring obscenities as she got everybody furnished. â€Å"Here's an extra pudgy,† she stated, hurling Corky his suit. Tolland was at that point half into his. When Rachel was completely dashed up, Norah found the stopcock on Rachel's side and associated her to a mixture tube that wound out of a silver canister taking after an enormous scuba tank. â€Å"Inhale,† Norah stated, opening the valve. Rachel heard a murmur and felt gel being infused into the suit. The adaptable foam extended, and the suit compacted around her, pushing down on her internal layer of garments. The sensation helped her to remember staying her hand submerged while wearing an elastic glove. As the hood swelled around her head, it squeezed in on her ears, making everything sound suppressed. I'm in a cover. â€Å"Best thing about the Mark IX,† Norah stated, â€Å"is the cushioning. You can fall on your butt and not feel a thing.† Rachel trusted it. She had a feeling that she was caught inside a sleeping cushion. Norah gave Rachel a progression of instruments an ice hatchet, tie snaps, and carabiners, which she appended to the belt tackled on Rachel's midriff. â€Å"All this?† Rachel asked, peering toward the rigging. â€Å"To go 200 yards?† Norah's eyes limited. â€Å"You need to come or not?† Tolland gave Rachel a consoling gesture. â€Å"Norah's simply being careful.† Corky associated with the implantation tank and swelled his suit, looking diverted. â€Å"I feel like I'm wearing a mammoth condom.† Norah gave an appalled moan. â€Å"Like you'd know, virgin boy.† Tolland plunked down close to Rachel. He gave her a frail grin as she wore her substantial boots and crampons. â€Å"You sure you need to come?† His eyes had a defensive worry that attracted her. Rachel trusted her sure gesture gave a false representation of her developing anxiety. 200 yards†¦ not far by any stretch of the imagination. â€Å"And you figured you could discover energy just on the high seas.† Tolland laughed, talking as he connected his own crampons. â€Å"I've chosen I like fluid water far superior to this solidified stuff.† â€Å"I've never been a major aficionado of either,† Rachel said. â€Å"I fell through the ice as a child. Water's made me anxious ever since.† Tolland looked over, his eyes thoughtful. â€Å"Sorry to hear that. At the point when this is finished, you'll need to come out and visit me on the Goya. I'll alter your perspective on water. Promise.† The greeting shocked her. The Goya was Tolland's exploration transport notable both from its job in Amazing Seas just as its notoriety for being one of the most abnormal looking boats on the sea. Albeit a visit to the Goya would be terrifying for Rachel, she realized it is difficult to leave behind. â€Å"She's tied down twelve miles off the bank of New Jersey at the moment,† Tolland stated, battling with his crampon locks. â€Å"Sounds like an improbable spot.† â€Å"Not by any stretch of the imagination. The Atlantic seaboard is an unbelievable spot. We were equipping to shoot another narrative when I was so inconsiderately hindered by the President.† Rachel giggled. â€Å"Shooting a narrative on what?† â€Å"Sphyrna mokarran and megaplumes.† Rachel scowled. â€Å"Glad I asked.† Tolland wrapped up his crampons and turned upward. â€Å"Seriously, I'll be shooting out there for a long time. Washington's not that a long way from the Jersey coast. Come out when you get back home. No motivation to go through your time on earth terrified of the water. My team would give a first class reception for you.† Norah Mangor's voice blastd. â€Å"Are we heading outside, or should I get both of you a few candles and champagne?† 45 Gabrielle Ashe had no clue what to think about the archives presently spread out before her on Marjorie Tench's work area. The heap included copied letters, faxes, transcripts of telephone discussions, and they all appeared to help the claim that Senator Sexton was in secret exchange with private space organizations. Tench pushed several grainy high contrast photos toward Gabrielle. â€Å"I expect this is brand new information to you?† Gabrielle took a gander at the photographs. The principal genuine shot indicated Senator Sexton escaping a taxi in an underground carport. Sexton never takes taxis. Gabrielle took a gander at the second shot-a fax of Sexton moving into a stopped white minivan. An elderly person had all the earmarks of being in the van sitting tight for him. â€Å"Who is that?† Gabrielle stated, dubious the photographs may be faked. â€Å"A top dog from the SFF.† Gabrielle was suspicious. â€Å"The Space Frontier Foundation?† The SFF resembled a â€Å"union† for private space organizations. It spoke to aviation temporary workers, business visionaries, financial speculators any private substance that needed to go into space. They would in general be condemning of NASA, contending that the U.S. space program utilized unreasonable strategic approaches to keep privately owned businesses from propelling missions into space. â€Å"The SFF,† Tench stated, â€Å"now speaks to over a hundred significant companies, some exceptionally well off endeavors who are standing by energetically for the Space Commercialization Promotions Act to be ratified.† Gabrielle thought about it. For evident reasons the SFF was a vocal supporter of Sexton's battle, in spite of the fact that the representative had been mindful so as not to get excessively near them in light of their disputable campaigning strategies. As of late the SFF had distributed a dangerous tirade charging that NASA was in certainty a â€Å"illegal monopoly† whose capacity to work at a misfortune and still remain in business spoke to unreasonable rivalry to private firms. As indicated by the SFF, at whatever point AT T required a telecomm satellite propelled, a few private space organizations extended to do the employment opportunity at a sensible $50 million. Lamentably, NASA consistently stepped in and offered to dispatch AT T's satellites for a unimportant twenty-5,000,000, despite the fact that it cost NASA multiple times that to carry out the responsibility! Working at a misfortune is one way NASA keeps its hold on space, the SFF legal counselors blamed. What's mor e, citizens take care of the check.

Monday, August 3, 2020


21L.011 As a freshman you will probably be taking two sciences, a math, and a humanities class. The sciences and maths are pretty standard fare; youll have a couple classes to choose from based on the results of your placement tests, APs, and whether youd prefer Chem or Bio first semester. On the other hand, youre given an enormous amount of variety to select your humanities, arts, and social sciences (HASS) class from. Whereas the science and math classes are arranged after you arrive to MIT, rising freshmen enter a lottery during the summer for their HASS course preferences. There are some really exciting classes that are available for freshmen to take. I had a hard time selecting my top preferences; I was torn between 24.02, Moral Problems and the Good Life, and 21H.001, How to Stage a Revolution. On the one hand, Moral Problems sounded like a really awesome debate class, touching on subjects like objective goods, rational desire, and pleasure. On the other hand, How to Stage a Revolution* has the coolest course name in all of academia.** Its a history class where students analyze “fundamental questions about the causes and nature of revolutions.” *An aside: My classmates in senior year voted me most likely to lead a revolution. **Aside II: It was even submitted to, and no, not by me, not even by an MIT person. In the end the lottery granted me 24.02, but this conflicted with my chemistry lecture. As I mentioned before my advisor was really good about, well, advising me on what to do. I “shopped” around by attending some HASS lectures of classes that fit my schedule. I looked into three courses, but the only one that really stood out to me was 21L.011, The Film Experience. I emailed the professor about signing a form that would officially enter me into the class, and he replied that it wouldnt be a problem. A couple days later and my online schedule reflected the changeâ€"conflict successfully resolved! The class is amazing. On Tuesdays there are two lectures about the history of film and particular directors styles. Professor Thorburn usually throws in some short film clips in his lectures to illustrate the points as hes making them. On Tuesday evenings after the last lecture the teaching staff screens the weeks movie. Were not required to stay for the movies since they usually run past 10:30pm, and the staff also makes sure that every movie is available in the Film Office. On Thursdays we have recitation sections in much smaller groups of students. My section has something like 15 people in it, which provides for a great environment to have an open discussion about aspects of the films of the week. My recitation leader is also a published writer of fiction, so its not like a bunch of college students talking about random things. The recitations are free-form but directed. About every month we have a paper due on one of about 30 topics (or you can make your own). The fantastic thing about the papers, though, is that theres effectively a week-long grace period for turning them in. If you hand in your paper before the grace period starts, you will get your paper back with comments and a preliminary grade before the grace period is over. You can choose to revise your paper with these comments in mind, as long as your turn it in before the week is over. Your preliminary grade disappears and is replaced with the grade of the revision. This really helped me on the first essay, since I had a big decision to make about the direction of my paper. I talked to my recitation leader and she was very helpful with my revision. Unfortunately, this revision policy isnt uniform across HASS classes, and it would be pretty difficult to identify the courses that offer it (its not in the syllabi or course descriptions). Overall, though, the best thing about the class has to be the movies. I mean, we get to watch great films by legendary directors like Chaplin, Keaton, Capra, and Hitchcock for credit. And the way Prof. Thorburn puts each movie in context truly makes it an experience, more than just entertainment. We get the stories behind the films, the “inside scoop” on the way they utilized new film technology or the camera techniques and plot devices the legends used to turn Hollywood on its head. And in the end, if you can really savor a film (or a book for that matter), writing a paper about it isnt as much a chore as it is a reconfirmation of your bond with the work. That sounds sappy, but its true. Its so easy for me to write about Buster Keaton where I had trouble in high school writing about, say, The English Patient. All in all, 21L.011 is turning out to be an awesome experience, and I look forward to the movies well watch throughout the remainder of the semester.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Air Pollution Control Technology - 2200 Words

Air Pollution Control Technology (Research Paper Sample) Content: Air Pollution Control Technology Name InstitutionWater impact may emerge because of thermal loading when cooling water is discharged in large volumes (Greunen 2006). To counteract thermal impact, the project focuses on using forced-air cooling, lagooning, and heat exchange of exiting hot gases in order to preheat raw materials, which are entering the plant. Ammonia, which is present in the dilute aqueous streams, is recovered through steam stripping.Since gasification process involves chemical conversion of feedstock, temperature conditions need to have an effective control. This is necessary, so that chemical conversion process does not result in production of pollutants (The Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League 2009). Biomass, which is a renewable energy, is a raw material for this project. This raw material is associated with production of CO2 gas, which is an environmental pollutant. This occurs since CO2 gas is one of the factors, which contributes to global warming when the gas is availed to the atmosphere. This indicates that the control of the temperature conditions during the chemical conversion process is significant, so that valuable and clean energy is obtained, and environmental pollution does not occur. To attain this, the project focuses on having a temperature regulator and indicator such that when temperatures are beyond the desired limits the operator is notified. This will glad the operator an opportunity to recheck, as well as adjust temperatures to the desired operation limits. Noise is anticipated in the overall project. The main sources of the noise are the operating compressors and the movement of gas volumes. This indicates that the project deserves to attain a certain local noise criteria in order to ensure that the personnel involved in the running of the project have the capacity to do so successfully. This will ensure that the project attains its desired success. One of the effective means of controlling this noi se in the project will be noise dampening. Such a system will ensure that is possible locate and localize noise sources, which have the potential of producing sound levels that exceeds 90 dBA (Hocking 2005). Gasification process is associated with dissemination of ash, which is approximately 8 to 15 percent in terms of volume (The Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League 2009). This ash is toxic; its ability to contain low pH or acidic properties makes it introduce negative impacts on landfills. Furthermore, leaching of toxic metals mercury, lead, and cadmium occurs rapidly at low pH. Therefore, the ash needs to be cleaned, and all metal properties separated in order to ensure that the disposal of this ash does not have negative impacts on the environment, as well as contaminating the groundwater. This may be done by adopting an effective means of recycling the gasification waste. Such a means is the installation of a biomass digester, which would generate energy from this waste.Nitr ogen dioxide discharges emerge because of atmospheric nitrogen oxidation, which occurs during the process of combustion of reformer fuel (Greunen 2006). To minimize the discharges of nitrogen dioxide, the content of ammonia gas in purge gases need an effective reduction. Further, excess air should not be used in the reformer combustion. This results in a reduction of the NOx emissions, as well as improvement in the energy efficiency. NOx is an environmental pollutant since it causes harmful effects to the environment. Global warming is one of these harmful effects of NOx. Therefore, the project proposes several air pollution control technologies, which would aid in curbing the impacts of NOx and other gases. With respect to the anticipated pollutants in this project, the proposed pollution control technology is wet scrubbers. Wet scrubbers find a wide application in particulates control. They rely on irreversible and direct contact of a liquid (bubbles, foam, or droplets) with the particulates. The design configurations for scrubbers are many. This grants scrubbers to be used in different fields of application. In order to classify wet scrubbers, the method, which is employed to induce contact between particulates and the liquid, is used. Energy, which may be expressed in terms of pressure drop on the scrubber, may also be used to classify scrubbers. This indicates that scrubbers can be classified as high, medium, or low energy. Fabric filters is an air pollution control technology, which the project proposes to be used in the removal of dry particles from the attained gas stream (Greunen 2006). This technology involves the flow of dusty gas through and into several filter bags, which are arranged parallel to each other, and enabling retention of the dust by the fabric. This fabric acts as supporting medium of the dust layer, which accumulates on it, as well as contributes to minor particle filtering. The attained dust layer enables effective filtering of se veral small particles that are responsible for baghouses. Although fabric filters are effective in both low and high particles concentrations, their suitability levels are for free-flowing and dry particles only.Types of fabric filter medium, which the project may adopt, include plastic, needled felt, woven fabric, metal, and ceramic among others. Operation temperature is the key parameter, which influences the choice of the fabric filters. Some of the benefits of using fabric filters as air control technology, which the project will enjoy, include operation of fabric filters in several dust types, higher efficiencies of collection, demand of low-pressure drops, operation in several volumetric flow rates ranges, and modular design. However, fabric filters have inherent limitations, which include threat to explosion, requirement of wide floor areas, limitation of operation within moist environments, and destruction of fabrics by corrosive chemicals or high temperatures. Needled felt is the selected fabric for this project since it is easily accessible and easier to use. Wet scrubbers have the ability of handling mists, handling explosive and flammable dust at a minimum risk, enabling cooling of gases that are hot, provide dust collection and gas absorption in a single unit, and creating room for neutralizing corrosive dusts and gases (The Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League 2009). However, wet scrubbers are associated with corrosion problems, expensive disposal of waste sludge, unrecyclable contaminated particulates, and water pollution as a result of liquid effluent. The proposed scrubber design for the project is the one, which involves liquid droplets introduction to a spray chamber. This enables effective mixing of the gas stream and liquid in order to have contact with particulates. Electrostatic precipitation is also an air control technology, which the project proposes to use (Yan 2007). The process involves ionization of air, which is contaminated a nd flowing through electrodes, charging of air particles, migration of air particles, and collection of air particles (contaminants) on opposite plates that have different charges, and removal of these particles from the associated plates (Hocking 2005). These particles can be in the form of either liquid droplets or dry dust. As such, an electrostatic precipitator involves the flow of air via a unit and the contaminant particles remain behind the plates. Hence, the particles may be washed off or knocked off (rapped) the plates, and then collected on the lower side of the electrostatic precipitator. Electrostatic precipitators have the potential of attaining higher efficiencies of collection, which occurs at low-pressure drops of the air. This air pollution control technology is unique since the collection forces of the particles do not act on the whole stream of the air but on the particles only. Attainment of higher efficiencies, lower costs of operation, wet collection of mists a nd fumes, and handling large volumes of gas at low-pressure drops is the key focus of this air control technology. As such, the project focuses on leveraging on this benefit in order to attain success in its operational procedure. Nevertheless, electrostatic precipitators have a limitation in that they demand large spaces, they cannot control the emission of gases, have higher capital costs, and they cannot work effectively on particulates that have a characteristic of high electrical sensitivity. Fuel gas treatment (FGT) enables reduction of NOx emissions. This technique has a wide classification as either wet or dry techniques (Greunen 2006). Wet technique involves absorption, which occurs via caustic scrubbing solution while dry techniques encompass non-catalytic reduction, catalytic reduction, and adsorption.Absorption process has the ability to eliminate NOx and SOx. This process is also regarded as the wet scrubbing process. The process has a limitation of having low NO solubi lity, as well as absorption of NOx. In most cases, NO needs oxidation to NO2 while in the flue gas prior to any further absorption of the same occurs in water. In non-catalytic reduction, ammonia has the potential of reducing NOx to nitrogen without a need of a catalyst in the temperature range of 900-1000oC. As such, molar ratios of 1:1 to 2:1 for NH3: NOx have the potential of attaining approximately 40-60% reduction of NOx. Unfortunately, this process has limitations of incomplete mixing of flue gas with ammonia and difficulties in temperature control. Therefore, instances of low temperatures results in the emission of unreacted ammonia while instances of high temperatures results in the oxidization of ammonia to NO. One of the widely adopted FGT technologies is the selective catalytic reduction (SCR) (Sloss 1992). The process of SCR involves the conversion of NOx to nitrogen while using ammonia as the reducing agent. A catalyst is necessary for this pr...

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Essay on U.S. and China Relations - 1123 Words

The relations between the United States and China have grown dramatically since Nixons visit in 1972. Nixons visit got the Chinese and the US back as friends, instead of being against each other because of their government differences. This relationship has been very shaky ever since the nations have been dealing with each other. First, they were on good terms in the late seventeen hundreds. They traded with each other quite often, and American businessmen went over to start businesses in China, which helped out the economy a lot. When the Gold Rush started, there was a really bad disease that had gone all over southeast China. This made many Chinese leave in hopes of striking gold and becoming rich in America, although†¦show more content†¦Through the next ten to twenty years, up until the early seventies, the Chinese and United States regarded one another with suspicion, fear, and hostility. Relations between the U.S. and China were hostile, until the 1970s when Nixon visited China. He wanted to get the United States and China back on good terms. He went over for a little visit with Mao Zedong, the leader of the Communist party, in 1972. Nixon thought he could help China become less Communistic by becoming their friends instead of staying their enemies. Plus, it was time for a change. Ever since then, the two nations have kept up good diplomatic relations, which was much easier when the United States chose to recognize the People Republic of China as a government.(source # 1) As relations improved, China allowed more businessmen and companies in and trading changed between the two dramatically. Since 1979 Chinas economy has grown at an average annual rate of more than 9 percent and has the potential to become the worlds largest economy during the 21st century.(source # 2) China is even expected to have the largest economy in the world very soon. (source # 3) Leaders that have come into power after Zedong have made some changes and actually have some, but not many, privateShow MoreRelatedU.s. China Relations With China1217 Words   |  5 PagesU.S. China Relations Diplomatic relations with China began over 30 years ago. Initially, the relationship created economic wealth for both countries but today, economically China is rising at a faster pace. China is investing its revenue in their military. China has spent as much a $240 billion on military related goods and services. (DIA Annual Threat Assessment, 2014) While the U.S. desires for the PLA to be used maintain peace and stability in the region; subliminally China has stated itsRead MoreChina-U.S. Bilateral Relations1639 Words   |  7 PagesCHINA-U.S BILATERAL RELATION Background: Relation between the Peoples Republic of China and the United States have generally been stable with some period of tension, especially after the breakup of the Soviet Union which removed the common enemy and ushered in a world characterized by American dominance. There are also concerns which relate to Human Rights in the PRC and the political status of Taiwan. While there are some irritants in China-U.S relation, there are also many stabilizing factorsRead MoreU.s. Trade Relations With China Trade Patterns2005 Words   |  9 Pages2. US-China trade patterns Evolution of US trade relations with China. China has been transforming into a rapidly growing economy ever since the trade reforms began in 1979 and upon its further entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO) on December 11, 2001 as the 143rd member, China’s trade liberalization and global trade commitments made at that time augmented the expansion in U.S.-China marketable ties (Morrison, 2015). The most significant clause of this WTO enterprise that proved to be beneficialRead MoreChina Is A Player At The Table1579 Words   |  7 Pagesthe 21st century, U.S.-China relations have been shaped by the perception and acknowledgment that â€Å"China is a player at the table†. As a result, many have turned to international relation theories to predict whether China’s rise will peaceful or conflicted. Most understand that international relations are a â€Å"combination of forces and factors that are regarded as being diametrically opposed to one another†(Friedberg 2005 p11). However, in the unique cas e of U.S.-China relations, there is not onlyRead MoreU.S. Foreign Policy Toward Taiwan Essay1232 Words   |  5 PagesTaiwan, also known as the Republic of China, faces several elements implicated by the U.S. foreign policy. The first element of American foreign policy is that the United States only recognizes one China. Whether it’s the China to the left of the Strait or the Taiwan to the right, it is up to both sides. The second element of American foreign policy is that Washington encourages dialogue between the two sides but will not apply pressure to either side (U.S. FOREIGN POLICY TOWARD TAIWAN, 2001).Read MoreChina Between The Republic Of China1661 Words   |  7 PagesAfter The Chinese Civil War ended in 1950, a separation of ‘‘old’’ China between the Republic of China (ROC, commonly known as â€Å"Taiwan†) and the People’s Republic of China (PRC, commonly known as â€Å"China†) created legal and political dilemmas (Hs ieh, 2016). They both declare the island of Taiwan is an integral part of their territories. Until the 1990s, Taiwan was able to conquer her diplomatic isolation by expanding the international trade and investment flows to all of her business partners regardlessRead MoreEconomic Relations Between China And China869 Words   |  4 Pagesthe other such as the instance of China. Although China stands as one of the biggest communist countries, statistics have shown that â€Å"China is 175.6% dependent on the U.S.† (Chang). Although both divergent from the other, the United States’ bilateral relationship with China is essential and necessary for their success and diplomacy. Through an economic standpoint, â€Å"the U.S. approach to its economic relations with China has two main elements: integrating China into the global, rules-based economicRead MoreChina-Taiwan Relations 788 Words   |  3 PagesTaiwan and China Mainland share the same culture, language and tradition. From this perspective, the Taiwan question is the domestic affair of China. But, because of some historical reasons, the U.S. has involved into the question. As well as, the Taiwan question has been very sensitive question in China-U.S. relations, and it is influenced by the global political structure and regional political structure in the Far East. The U.S. would not like to give up its concerns and interest in Taiwan, theRead MoreTrade Patterns Of Usa And China944 Words   |  4 Pagesfollowing paper coherently illustrates the trade patterns of USA and China and describes the various trade policies developed over the past years that have impacted the respective economies of both countries alongside the effect of the same on the bilateral trade relations between the two. Based upon the previous statistics, US-China trade is considerably one of the largest trading partners in today’s economies. Both countries’ trade relations entail exchange of investment, services as well as goods varyingRead MoreAn Explanation Of The Bushs Foreign Trade Policy1399 Words   |  6 Pagestrade agreement negotiations: the signing of the FTA with Jordan in September 2001 and its formal implementation in December of that year; the signing in 2003 of the United States-Chilean Freedom At the trade zone level, Bush emphasized in the 200 2 U.S. National Security Strategy that he must further strengthen free trade agreements with all kinds of developed and developing countries in all regions of the world. Easy agreement. Multilateral Policy, November 2001, Doha Round was officially launched

Monday, May 18, 2020

The Culture Of Chin Leadership And Management - 1573 Words

Leadership and Management The culture of China, in terms of management inside of a company is described as each person has a very clear role and that helps organization to keep things in order. Unlike Serbia and Montenegro where it has a culture of employees expecting employer to give them detailed directions and no questions are expected. Generally managers in China use autocratic leadership style. However they will not embarrass or punish employee publicly or in front of the colleagues. Another important factor is the hierarchy of Chinese culture. Even though the actual control is at the top of line management there may be informal interaction between staffs or managers and staffs (, 2014). Looking at management†¦show more content†¦Chinese culture is more people oriented where role and responsibilities are not stated clearly and when the problems are faced they seek for teamwork approach no matter which role they are assigned to. Consequently, each individual can engage themselves in a plethora of ventures in contest of their time and resources (Busch et al., 2013). Relationships are vital in China and looking after your network of relationships is viewed as road to success. For example during the work time people view their coworkers also as friends. If one of them were in trouble they would help them. The goals of a team are very vital and if the team succeeds everyone get compensated for the success. If the team fails it would be difficult to blame someone for not performing the task well. Even though teamwork is motivating and it builds better relationship between employees as well as trust it can result in resource waste and lack of accountability in the end results (, 2014). According to Hofstede China is collectivist in nature, which means they work hard for the result of group achievement. They do not look so much on individual achievement but stress the group effort. Teamwork is held in high esteem in China, and is therefore interwoven into the very existence of the people. The philosophy that they adhere is that the group is more important than any individual (, 2014). Power distance is high in China dueShow MoreRelatedDQs: Gender and Leadership Diversity1058 Words   |  4 PagesFor your initial post to this discussion, read the articles dealing with gender and leadership diversity and respond to the following questions. In what ways do these institutional barriers intersect with leader behavior and identity? Is it enough for women leaders to develop effective behavior and styles to become more effective leaders? Eagly Chin (2010) note that the barriers described intersect with leader behavior and identity in that leaders who are members of these groups are often expectedRead MoreGlobal Leadership in International Assignments1418 Words   |  6 Pagesappropriate learning orientation, and leadership and cultural identities. Global Leadership in International Assignments: In most cases, international assignments tend to involve dealing with a multi-cultural team or workforce in order to achieve the established goals. However, exercising global leadership over the multi-cultural workforce requires wide-ranging cultural knowledge for prudent judgments and decision-making (Canals, 2012, p.200). Generally, global leadership entails a wide range of skillsRead MoreEmotional Intelligence Training For Increased Success1351 Words   |  6 Pagesand understand ones emotions, and use this information to shape behavior and act based on knowing ones emotions but not because of the emotion itself (Chin Tee Suan, Anantharaman, Tong Yoon Kin, 2015). This clear understanding of self, and how ones moods and emotions may impact decision making, and being mindful in ones actions is a key leadership skill (Ehlich, 2015). Emotional intelligence skills may be the key to organizational success. Emotional intelligence attributes manifest themselvesRead MoreNurses Usage Of Clinical Decision Support Systems992 Words   |  4 Pages(allergic reaction warnings), reminders (antibiotic order renewal), clinical guideline recommendations, diagnostics support, surveillance (tracking H1N1), disease prevention (yearly mammography), disease management (monitoring A1c in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus), prescription and medication management (anticoagulant dosage titrations)† (Piscotty Kalisch, 2014, p.2). Some of theses systems apply evidence-based recommendations at the point of care, which may bring the gap between practice and evidenceRead MoreHealthcare Smart Goals1309 Words   |  5 Pagesapply the principles of effective organization involving use of information, focus on patient care giving, and design clinical care giving in an organizational chart to achieve organizational planning and evaluation as all levels. Leadership Development Goal The leadership development goal is to assist and direct personal efforts towards professional development in healthcare. To achieve this, this goal requires the use of mentorship programs and mentors to guide in increasing morale to work, achievingRead MoreExamples Of Executive Leadership835 Words   |  4 Pagesboth businesses and not for profit organizations in acquiring senior level executive leadership. Organizations have specific needs when searching for leadership and we will advise and consult with our clients to assist in locating and recruiting top national and international organizational talent. Our mission is to partner with organizations in their search to increase diversity within their executive leadership. By listening and understanding our partners needs we will be able to tailor fit potentialRead MoreAssessment: Googles Business Strategies and Competitive Advantages1703 Words   |  7 Pagescreated and continues to deliver exceptional customer experiences globa lly using a differentiation strategy that combines their broad market scope and uniqueness and competency (Lee, Kim, Noh, Lee, 2010). Google also has chosen to pursue a cost leadership position in the areas of low cost competency and broad market scope in their broader consumer and business applications including Google Drive, Google Calendar, G-Mail and many applications in entertainment incouding Media, Books, YouTube, whichRead MoreThe Change Is A Fundamental Element Of Its Success1077 Words   |  5 Pagesthe feelings displayed by those around them. Therefore never before has the concept of leadership been so pivotal within the NHS (The King’s Fund, 2012). Healthcare organisations have indeed always advocated strong leaders, but the focus now has reached a higher level. To influence the groups/stakeholders, a leader needs abilities to see stakeholders as ‘active learners’ rather than waiting for reactions (Chin Benne, cited in Parkin, 2009). Clearly defining the team goals with a clear vision hasRead MorePersonal And Professional Development : Leadership And Diversity1927 Words   |  8 Pages LEADERSHIP AND DIVERSITY REPORT Topic: Word Count: words Pages: Referencing Style: Harvard Style Date: 9th January 2015 Signature: Angelika Wtorek Carla Ferrer Reyes Rachel Lawrie Maha Alghareeb Farhanna Fatima Glasgow Caledonian University MSc IBM - MSc Management Introduce Diversity Diversity topic dominates in national culture andRead MoreAssignment Questions On Health Care Sector1614 Words   |  7 Pages Diploma in Health Services Management Term: 2 DHCS 201: Managing Enterprise in the Health Care Sector Assessment: 1 (Individual essay) Submitted to: Aleksandra Gosteva Submitted by: Binu Thomas (cib00002mj) ASSESSMENT: 1 MANAGING ENTERPRISE IN THE HEALTH CARE SECTOR a)What does entrepreneurship provide to both private and public health sector as an agent of change? Illustrate your points with suitable examples. A real entrepreneur

Monday, May 11, 2020

Performance Enhancing Drugs in Sports - 527 Words

The use of performance-enhancing steroids in sports is forming a problem. The sports that they play end up being cheated by these frauds. This is a disgusting epidemic. For example, â€Å"The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) recently estimated that over half of a million 8th through 10th grade students are abusing AAS, and that many high school seniors do not believe their use constitutes a health risk† ( The problem exists in professional sports and below. Steroid use in sports is becoming more common and is dangerous to the games that it cheats. Primarily, steroids are a kind of medical aid that have turned into a problem in professional sports. â€Å"In the professional ranks these drugs are often abused in order to gain a competitive edge on other athletes, and to help recover more quickly from training sessions and injury† ( These add muscle and, as an example for baseball players, assist in hitting the long ball. Performance-enhancing steroids are used normally by men at the middle age and younger. To elaborate, â€Å"Males between the ages of 19 and 40 are the most common abusers of AAS† ( This age of adults are the common users because from the age of 19 to 40, they are still able to compete at their best. To add, â€Å"In another study NIDA found that 1,084,000 Americans, or 0.5% of the adult population, admitted to using AAS† ( This use has quickly increased in the last couple decades especially.Show MoreRelatedPerformance-Enhancing Drugs in Sports1078 Words   |  4 Pagesï » ¿Performance-enhancing drugs in sports: A literature review A number of prominent athletes have recently experienced a fall from grace, because of the revelation that they used performance-enhancing drugs. Perhaps the most famous example of this phenomenon is Lance Armstrong. In an advertisement for Nike that his former sponsor now no doubt regrets, Armstrong is shown asking the viewer what am I on? Im on my bike, busting my ass six hours a day. Professional cycling is often cited as one ofRead MorePerformance Enhancing Drugs For Sports1227 Words   |  5 PagesPerformance Enhancing Drugs Sport records are becoming harder   to break and seeing records are starting to become a thing of the past.. Players aren’t being able to hit these home runs or score long touchdown’s. Injured   players are getting kicked off the team or even quit because they can’t get to their peak performance that they were at before they got injured.   If more players were to use performance enhancing drugs they would be able to compete to the performance of past players. A performanceRead MorePerformance Enhancing Drugs For Sports Essay1514 Words   |  7 PagesPerformance-Enhancing Drugs in Sports A tremendously large problem in sports is whether or not athletes should be able to use performance enhancing drugs. To most people, it doesn t make any sense for athletes to be using them. They have to know what affect it has on their body not only physically, but also mentally. Around the early 2000’s is when all this starting coming up and it has made a dramatic impact on the sports world. The few people who want performance-enhancing drugs in sports don’tRead MorePerformance Enhancing Drugs in Sports1686 Words   |  7 PagesPerformance Enhancing Drugs in Sports Athletes use performance enhancing drugs to boost their game. The professionals who use these drugs are ruining the integrity of the game. Many people don’t understand why professional athletes would go to such extreme measures to be better when they have already proven themselves. Athletes are just taking away from their natural ability by using these dangerous drugs. The risk of using performance enhancing drugs is a lot greater than the reward, because anRead MorePerformance Enhancing Drugs in Sports1207 Words   |  5 PagesThe growth and use of performance enhancing drugs makes them no longer a taboo subject among professional athletes, and is starting to become in fact rampant among athletes. There appears to be no end in sight when leagues like the NFL and NCAA have weak testing programs. Traditional locker rooms in the NFL have a few steroid users and have many HGH abusers due to the NFL’s weak testing programs. HGH has become a rampant issue for the NFL, because it allows the average NFL player to gain an edgeRead MorePerformance Of Sports And Performance Enhancing Drugs2051 Words   |  9 PagesPerformance Enhancers in Elite Sports Performance enhancing drugs are as old as sports themselves. Even the ancient athlete that competed in some of the first Olympic Games were know to use substances to boost their performance. It is on record that â€Å"Olympian Thomas Hicks won the marathon after receiving an injection of strychnine during the race in the third Olympiad†. (Savulescu, 1) It wasn’t until the 70’s that athletes began being tested for performance enhancing drugs and they became bannedRead MorePerformance Enhancing Drugs For Professional Sports1703 Words   |  7 Pagesthe use of performance enhancing drugs. The debate on whether or not performance enhancing substances should be allowed in professional sports has been going on for years, decades even. Many believe that using steroids and other performance enhancers should automatically disqualify an athlete from ever being able to be a member of the Hall of Fame, in sports in general, not just in Major League Baseball. However, there is an argument to be made to make the use of performance enhancing drugs legal inRead More Performance-Enhancing Drugs in Sports Essay1678 Words   |  7 PagesPerformance-Enhancing Drugs in Sports In all areas of sports, professional, college, and even high school, there is widespread illegal use of performance-enhancing drugs. Although there are many reasons for athletes to choose to use these drugs, the cost of such use, both to the athlete and to society can be extraordinarily high. It is important to understand why performance-enhancing drugs are used and what are the consequences of their use to the athlete and society. One of theRead MoreSports and Performance Enhancing Drugs Essay1221 Words   |  5 PagesPerformance enhancing drugs in todays pro sports have become a big deal, because of health stimulants and the benefits that such studies have on good development of the person and on fair athletic games. Pediatricians or trainers can play a huge role in helping the athlete or player that is using or taking performance enhancing drugs. By taking factual info about the true benefits and medical problems of these drugs and giving information about healthy food and working out. Tries to create a changeRead MorePerformance Enhancing Drugs Sports Today1476 Words   |  6 PagesResearch, period 3 December 15, 2013 Performance Enhancing Drugs In Sports Today Performance enhancing drugs, or steroids, have long been in the lifestyle of athletes. Many famous athletes like Barry Bonds, Alex Rodriguez, Marion Jones and Lance Armstrong have all confessed to the use of steroids. Celebrities like actor Charlie Sheen and ex Governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger, have also admitted to using steroids in the past. Performance enhancing drugs are a dangerous form of medicine

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Is It More Important For Academic Achievement Than Being A...

Nothing is more important to academic achievement than being a good reader. Participation, motivation, and interest in independent reading are low. Reading is an important part of everyday life and is imperative to students’ success in school. Children today are constantly surrounded by technology, and their reading experience can be extended by using technology. While it may be more fascinating for us as adults, children are living in the digital age where they think technology is a part of their everyday life. There are iPods, computers, iPads, E-books, Leapfrog products, software, blogs; the list is endless. One of the ways to provide potential literacy in classrooms in through interactive digital books. An added advantage of digital†¦show more content†¦Students that are experiencing frustration in reading cannot be expected by the teacher to enjoy and practice reading as much as a student who enjoys reading. Students that have significant reading difficulties in the lower grades continue to struggle as they proceed through the upper grades. Reading disorders affect a student’s ability to read and to learn in the different subjects. For example, good readers tend to be more successful in subject areas such as science and math. It is imperative for students to learn the reading skills they need to be successful in school a nd in life (Melekoglu, 2011). There are two occurring types of reading disorders. The causes, as well as the treatments of these reading disorders, are diverse. Dyslexia is when a student has difficulty decoding words and understanding the relationship between spelling patterns and the pronunciation of words (Snowling Hulme, 2012). Students with dyslexia read slowly and with error. Also, dyslexia can affect a student’s spelling and writing ability. Deficits in phonological coding and impairments in verbal short-term memory are also seen with dyslexia. This decoding is the basis of learning to read. The other major impairment is in reading comprehension. Students with an impairment in reading comprehension often can read fluently without difficulty, however are unable to understand what they have read. Reading comprehension involves accessing meanings of words and higher order thinking. Making

Buddhism in Japan from Prehistoric to Kamakura Period Free Essays

Buddhism in Japan might have been brought by early merchants traveling the Silk Road from India, to China, to Korea and to Japan. Because of the constant interaction between these countries, many Buddhist teachings and practices, particularly the Mahayana Buddhism, together with some Chinese cultural traditions became integrated with Japan’s own cultural development. At first, conflicts with Shinto belief caused delay in the spread of the Buddhist religion. We will write a custom essay sample on Buddhism in Japan from Prehistoric to Kamakura Period or any similar topic only for you Order Now Ancient Japanese people regarded Buddha as one of the kamis yet many were attracted to the beauty of its arts and the promises of concrete benefits such as â€Å"wealth and longevity†. As time went on, more and more people recognized that Buddhism has its own belief that was thought to be complementary with the existing Shinto religion, Japan’s native religion. During the Nara period, some Buddhist monasteries built around the capital Nara gained political influence in the ruling government. Because of this ambitious and militant movement of monasteries, the government was forced to move the capital from Nara to Nagaoka (784AD) and then to Kyoto (794AD). This issue remained a problem for many centuries in the Japanese history. During the Heian Period (794-1185), many sects were grabbing popular attention over the Japanese population. These sects presented Buddhism in a way that best suited the ancient Japanese culture and tradition as seen from these three sects: Shingon sect (774-835AD) by Kukai; True Pure Land Sect (1173-1262) by Shinran; and, Lotus Hokke or Nichiren Sect (1222-1282) founded by Nichiren. The acceptance of Buddhism can be attributed from the works of these sects, which still have millions of followers as of today. In conclusion, Buddhism in Japan became popular since its core practices and teachings were complementary with Shinto religion as shown by popular Buddhist sects named above. References (â€Å"Buddhism in Japan†; , â€Å"Japanese Buddhism†, 2004; , â€Å"A View on Buddhism: History of Japanese Buddhism†) Buddhism in Japan. (n. d. ). Retrieved April 6, 2007, from http://afe. easia. columbia. edu/japan/japanworkbook/religion/jbuddhis. html Japanese Buddhism. (2004). Retrieved April 6, 2007, from http://www. japan-guide. com/e/e2055. html A View on Buddhism: History of Japanese Buddhism. (November 30, 2006). Retrieved April 6, 2007, from http://buddhism. kalachakranet. org/history_japanese_buddhism. html How to cite Buddhism in Japan from Prehistoric to Kamakura Period, Papers

Ramifications for Shareholder Class Actions †

Question: Discuss about the Ramifications for Shareholder Class Actions. Answer: Introduction: On 22 February 2018, Business News Australia published an article relating to GetSwift that has been served notice of class action from shareholders. The Logistics Software Company GetSwift has been facing a class action from shareholders. The company is alleged to have been engaged in deceptive and misleading conduct. Two other legal firms are considering launching a class action against the company. The law firm Squire Patton Boggs has applied to initiate action in the Federal Court against the company while law firm, Corrs Chambers Westgarth has claimed to initiate legal action against the company as well. The shareholders have been initiating class action against the company on grounds of continuous misleading and deceptive conduct and non-disclosures on part of the company. The firms have claimed to be seeking damages against the company on similar grounds. The company is alleged to have declared its deals with the Commonwealth Bank, the Fruitbox company, NA Williams and Fantastic Furniture, which were either subjectd to review, or cancelled subsequent to such announcements. The exaggerated announcement led the investors believe that GetSwift has become financially stable and has began to create revenue from significant clients like Fruitbox company, NA Williams. However, when it was disclosed that the contracts did not survive the trial period, the market capitalization declined to less than half the amount, causing violation of its market obligations. The company had been subjected to trading halt since 22 January and has requested to release its suspension. It has been reported that apart from its non-disclosure about the deals or contracts, the company released revenue forecasts from a deal it declared with Commonwealth Bank of Australia, in advance. The company was hit by more than fifty percent on Monday after it resumed its operations post the trading halt that resulted from the ASX enquiries on the breach of its continuous disclosure obligations several times. However, GetSwift which is run by Bane Hunter, the Executive Chairperson and former AFL player and entrepreneur Joel McDonald stated that the investigation carried out by ASX has found that the company has not breached its continuous disclosure obligations and that the company has been working with PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) to review the compliance procedures of the company. The company has further been subjected to ASX query due to its delay in submission of notice pertaining to the change in the interest of the director while the corporate giant faces trading halt to resolve issues regarding its compliance and disclosure obligations with listing rules. In the contemporary era, the business organizations are required to maintain good corporate governance framework to ensure that the business operations are being carried out in the best interests of the company, shareholders and its stakeholders including the community. In Australia, the ASX Corporate Governance Council Principles and Recommendations stipulates that a good corporate governance stimulates the confidence of the investors that is fundamental to the ability of the corporate entities that are listed on the ASX to compete for capital (ArAs 2016). The issue that has been raised in the article is about the failure of the organization to make disclosure of material information about the company, which misled as well as deceived the investors, resulting in a trading halt of the company. Such corporate governance failure has not only resulted in financial and reputational loss but has reduced the confidence and trust of the investors from the company as well. Theories of Corporate Governance Corporate governance describes the relationship between the board, stakeholders and shareholders of a company. It provides the structural framework that enables the company to achieve its set objectives and goals while it controls and direct the companies to achieve such objectives. The ASX Principles and Recommendations stipulate certain corporate governance principles and recommendations that enable the companies to meet the expectations and needs of the investors. However, since several corporations may adopt different principles, the principles and recommendations are not obligatory to the corporation (Cassell, Myers and Seidel 2015). Nevertheless, if a listed entity fails to adopt the principles, it is mandatory that such organizations provide a valid reason for not adopting the governance principles. The theoretical perspectives explain the significance of corporate governance and the challenges that arises from such theories. The most common theories include stewardship theories, resource-dependence theories, stakeholder theories and agency theories. The agency theory states that the role of principal/shareholders and the executives/agents employed to manage the business operations is often characterized by frequent conflicts. The principle is based on the presumption that since the agents manage the company on behalf of the principals, the principals often are subjected to loss of agency signifying low return on investment (Tricker and Tricker 2015). For example, a principal will always strive to hire employees to perform several tasks at low cost but sell them at higher prices whereas the employees attempt to obtain more money to carry out such task/activities. According to the Resource-Dependence theory, the resources that the board provide to the executives purports to enable them achieve the organizational goals. Although the Board intervenes into the matter dealt by the executives, it also provides financial, human and intangible supports to the executives as well. The issues associated with this governance theory arise when the Board does not approve for the decisions that are taken by the executives. The stakeholder theory states that the corporation has responsibility towards the customers, suppliers, communities and client. The theory requires the business operations of any organization to be carried out ethically ensuring the stakeholders receive a fair return from their stake in the organization (Du Plessis, Hargovan and Harris 2018). The stakeholder theory necessitates the company to carry out its operations ethically, giving its corporate social responsibility more importance than its profit-making objective. The stewardship theory states that the management and the owners of the company have common organizational goals which can be achieved if the company board exercises less control and be more supportive, thus, encouraging executives to achieve higher performance. The issue that may arise from this theory is regarding the relationship and lack of cooperation between the owners and the management of the company (Sivathaasan 2016). The shareholders theory states that the interests of the shareholders are given much importance than the other stakeholders in any organizations (Shields et al. 2015). This theory may give rise to issues when there is reorganizing of business organizations as an outcome of enhancing the shareholder value, it may have an adverse impact on the employees in the form of change of jobs, loss of jobs as well as poor working conditions, etc. Since the shareholders exercise control over the internal structure of the company, they mainly emphasizes on the profitmaking objective of the company and in the enhancement of the wealth of the shareholders. Corporate governance issue raised in the article The corporate governance issue that has been raised in this article is related to misleading and deceiving the investors by failing to disclose material information on part of GenSwift. This issue is related to the issues that may arise in shareholder theory of corporate governance where the interest and welfare of the shareholder is considered fundamental in an organization. As it is mentioned earlier, that shareholder exercises control over the internal management of an organization and monitors its business operations and a corporation is obligated to make accurate and timely disclosure about its operations (Exchange 2014). Shareholders may bring legal actions directly against the company under the Federal law to address inaccurate or incomplete disclosures on the grounds of non-disclosure of material information. In this article, it is observed that GenSwift has been alleged to have declared its deals with the Commonwealth Bank, the Fruitbox company, NA Williams and Fantastic Furniture, which were either subjected to review, or cancelled subsequent to such announcements. Due to such announcement, the investors were misled as they believed that the company has become financially stable and has started to create revenue for such significant clients. Further, the company released revenue forecasts from a deal it declared with Commonwealth Bank of Australia, impulsively and in advance which further misled the investors about the financial stability of the organization (Shimeld, Williams and Shimeld 2017). Due to such corporate governance failure, the company trading has been put to halt, that resulted in significant financial loss. After revelation of the facts that the company had concealed, the shareholders initiated a class action against the company to seek damages for the non-compliance with the corporate governance and the disclosure obligations of the organization. Importance of issues to Public and Business According to the ASX Principles and Recommendations state that a listed entity is obligated to carry out its business transactions in an ethical manner and with due responsibility. An ethical business practice not only safeguards an organization from any legal implications, which helps the company to build up a reputation in the corporate world as well as in the society. In regards to the disclosure obligations of an organization, a listed entity is required to make balanced and timely disclosure of all the matters that is crucial to the company, stakeholders and its shareholders. An organization has obligations not to conceal any matter that any prudent person would consider to have an effect on the value or price of its securities (Issacharoff and Eagles 2015). In the given article, the company GetSwift revealed that it has been entering into deal with significant clients like Fruitbox company and Fantastic Furniture but it did not disclose the essential fact that those deals or contract were yet to be finalized. Further, even after the deals or contracts were cancelled, the company did not reveal that they were cancel, which misled the investors into believing that it had a stable financial situation. This can be termed as unethical business practice and non-disclosure of material facts essential to the company. Significance of ethical business practice and accurate disclosure to public Non-compliance with disclosure obligations implies lack of transparency, which not only affects the investors and shareholders but also affects the image of the company before the public (Day 2016). A business organization carrying out its operations ethically not only achieves its organizational goals but also achieves the trust of the investors and public. Today, public is aware of the business transactions being carried out by the organizations and cannot be fooled easily. The business transactions carried out by the organization ethically shall not only ensure interest of the business organization, but also consider the interests of the shareholders and the stakeholders including the community altogether. The lack of confidence and trust in the investors on the company is paramount for the company to retain its good image in the corporate world but its is equally important to maintain its goodwill in the eyes of the public. An organization is not only mandated to disclose matters that are considered by any prudent person to have a substantial impact on the price or value of the securities. As the very purpose of the Corporate Principles and Recommendations is to attain desirable results and meet the reasonable expectations of majority investors under several circumstances, it is important to maintain a relationship of trust between the investors and the organization and to make possible attempts to obtain the confidence of the investors in the company (Emmerig and Legg 2016). A company that has failed to gain confidence of the investors by deceptively misleading them into the belief that its financial condition has been stabilized, where, in reality, the company had not entered into any deals with significant clients, demonstrates the failure of the company to maintain a relationship of trust with its investors. Further, the company has been reluctant enough not to disclose material information like the two contracts with the its significant clients have been cancelled, to its shareholders and making advance announcement about revenue that it was not about to earn, are also indicators of the failure of the company to comply with corporate governance and its market obligations. Therefore, the class of action and legal actions to seek damages against the company is justified. Reference list ArAs, G., 2016.A handbook of corporate governance and social responsibility. CRC Press. Beekes, W., Brown, P. and Zhang, Q., 2015. Corporate governance and the informativeness of disclosures in Australia: A re?examination.Accounting Finance,55(4), pp.931-963. Beekes, W., Brown, P., Zhan, W. and Zhang, Q., 2016. Corporate governance, companies disclosure practices and market transparency: A cross country study.Journal of Business Finance Accounting,43(3-4), pp.263-297. Cassell, C.A., Myers, L.A. and Seidel, T.A., 2015. Disclosure transparency about activity in valuation allowance and reserve accounts and accruals-based earnings management.Accounting, Organizations and Society,46, pp.23-38. Day, J., 2016. Class Actions in Australia: 2015 in Review. Du Plessis, J.J., Hargovan, A. and Harris, J., 2018.Principles of contemporary corporate governance. Cambridge University Press. Emmerig, J. and Legg, M., 2016. Corporate law: Indirect causation accepted in shareholder claim of misleading conduct: Ramifications for shareholder class actions.Governance Directions,68(8), p.490. Exchange, A.S., 2014. Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations . Sydney: ASX Corporate Governance Council, 27 March. Issacharoff, S. and Eagles, T., 2015. Australian Alternative: A View from Abroad of Recent Developments in Securities Class Actions.UNSWLJ,38, p.179. Shields, J., Brown, M., Kaine, S., Dolle-Samuel, C., North-Samardzic, A., McLean, P., Johns, R., O'Leary, P., Robinson, J. and Plimmer, G., 2015.Managing Employee Performance Reward: Concepts, Practices, Strategies. Cambridge University Press. Shimeld, S., Williams, B. and Shimeld, J., 2017. Diversity ASX corporate governance recommendations: a step towards change?.Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal,8(3), pp.335-357. Sivathaasan, N., 2016. Corporate governance and leverage in Australia: A pitch.Journal of Accounting and Management Information Systems,15(4), pp.819-825. Tricker, R.B. and Tricker, R.I., 2015.Corporate governance: Principles, policies, and practices. Oxford University Press, USA. Xu, S., How, J. and Verhoeven, P., 2015. Corporate governance and private placement issuance in Australia.Accounting Finance.

Thursday, April 30, 2020

The Greenhouse Effect Essay Thesis Example For Students

The Greenhouse Effect Essay Thesis Our world is suffering, and it is suffering from something people callthe Greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is caused by humans overpollution of the earth. If we do not stop this soon the earth will die. We have caused this over many years of over industrialization in thisgrowing world. We think that bigger is better, so we make vehicles bigger andbetter, and we make pretty much everything else bigger as well. So we makelarger factories to build these larger things, and these larger factoriesrelease larger amounts of pollution. Scientist have been predicting the outcome of this change for years now,but none of these scientists believe in the same thing. The ones that do thinkthat it will come at a different time. So people are still optimistic on whatis going to happen, and when it is going to take place. We will write a custom essay on The Greenhouse Effect Thesis specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now First, to understand what the greenhouse effect is, we must firstunderstand what a Greenhouse is. A Greenhouse is a building made either ofclear plastic sheets, or of glass. The suns rays go through the glass, andheat up the air inside the building, and they have a hard time getting out. These rays get trapped inside the building, and continually heat the air inside,and even through the night the rays stay in and heat the air. The greenhouse isalso called a HOT HOUSE because it gets so hot. The greenhouse effect is caused by gases such as carbon monoxide, carbondioxide, and nitrogen escaping into the atmosphere. These gases get trapped inthe ozone layer and do not let the suns rays escape very easily. This causesthe earth to warm up. This warming can cause droughts, and this would reallyaffect the farmers. This heating up will cause the plants and animals would die. Category: Social Issues

Saturday, March 21, 2020

By the Same Token

By the Same Token By the Same Token By the Same Token By Maeve Maddox The word token is used with several meanings. From an Old English verb meaning â€Å"to show,† in the broadest sense a token is â€Å"something that serves to indicate a fact; a sign or a symbol.† The sign could be miraculous or merely evidence of something:    I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth. Genesis, 9:13, KJV God granted these holy men [the 100 fed miraculously by Elisha] a gracious token that the famine had lifted The retiring employee received a watch as a token of the company’s appreciation. As a physical object, a token may be a metal or plastic disk that serves to show that money has been paid for transportation or admission (e.g., a bus token). Board games like Monopoly include tokens used in play. The expression â€Å"by the same token† means â€Å"for the same reason† or â€Å"in the same way.† Here are two correct examples of its use: there was little evidence to substantiate the gossip and, by the same token, there was little to disprove it –example, OxfordDictionaries because his mind is flexible it responds quickly †¦ to what is before it, and by the same token it can call up from within a host of appropriate ideas example, Merriam-Webster As is happening to many venerable expressions in this age of limited reading of traditional literature, â€Å"by the same token† is being altered by speakers who aren’t quite sure how to use it: However at the same token, this same conversation could apply to couples who go through that process together In the same token, it cannot disregard basic issues of translation theory. Does my body include the oxygen I am about to inhale and, on the same token, should I include the air I am about to exhale? Not only is the preposition by being incorrectly replaced by at, in or on, the meaning is being lost: I dont dislike dogs (or other animals), but by the same token, I dont want them in my house. Here the meaning seems to be â€Å"on the other hand.† With a documentation date of 1463, â€Å"by the same token† has had a good run in English. Could be that the expression–for some speakers at least–has reached retirement age. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Homograph Examples34 Writing Tips That Will Make You a Better WriterHonorary vs. Honourary

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

A Historic vs. An Historic

A Historic vs. An Historic A Historic vs. An Historic A Historic vs. An Historic By Maeve Maddox My post A Useful Reminder About ‘An’ prompted an outpouring of emails asking, â€Å"How about an history or an historic?† Some points of English usage stir strong feelings. Placing the indefinite article â€Å"an† in front of the words historical or historic is one of these. Here are some comments prompted by a post I wrote on this topic several years ago: When people use â€Å"an historical† on NPR, it’s because [they’re] snooty. Only a Cockney or an hidiot [would say] â€Å"an historic.† [People who defend â€Å"an historic†] are pseudo-intellectual, American linguistic â€Å"posers.† For certain Americans, it’s all about self-consciously pompous affectation! I  would never ever use â€Å"an† in front of any word with an aspirate H at the beginning. That just isn’t what it’s for, and it sounds pretentious. The simple facts about the use of â€Å"an historical† and â€Å"an historic† are these: 1. Style guides like The Chicago Manual of Style, The AP Stylebook, and The Penguin Writer’s Manual regard the following as correct in modern usage: â€Å"a historical event† â€Å"a historic event.† 2. Many speakers still say and write â€Å"an historical†Ã¢â‚¬â€œand they do so with no intention of sounding affected, pompous, or pretentious. Pronunciation changes from generation to generation, but never in one fell swoop. Pockets of older forms continue to exist even after the majority of speakers have made the switch and authorities have recorded the new rules. The Google Ngram Viewer provides an interesting look at the progress of â€Å"an historic† vs â€Å"a historic.† In 1800, â€Å"a historic† barely shows. It begins its rise in the 1820s. In 1869, â€Å"a historic† is neck and neck with â€Å"an historic.† The two travel along fairly close together until the First World War when â€Å"an historic† pulls ahead and dominates until 1938. After that, â€Å"a historic† becomes the clear winner, although â€Å"an historic† and â€Å"an historical† remain in use. Here are two recent examples of the use of â€Å"an historical† in the context of educated English: Primary sources enable the researcher to get as close as possible to the truth of what actually happened during an historical event or time period.  (Note on the New York University library site.) The Making of Southern Europe: An Historical Overview (title of a recent publication of the London School of Economics) Clearly, modern usage prefers â€Å"a historic† and â€Å"a historical,† as well as a before other â€Å"h words† that readers asked about: â€Å"a hotel,† â€Å"a horrible accident,† and â€Å"a horrific statistic.† The word herb (succulent plant used for seasoning) is pronounced both with and without an aspirated h. â€Å"A herb† is modern British pronunciation, although British author Edith Nesbit (1858-1924) wrote â€Å"an herb† in one of her novels. Many Americans–although by no means all–say â€Å"an erb† and write â€Å"an herb.† Unquestionably, accepted current practice is to use the indefinite article a in front of all but a very few words that begin with the letter h. The most common exceptions are: an heir to the throne an honorable man an honest man an hour or two Speakers who say â€Å"an historic† are not necessarily being â€Å"pretentious or snooty.† It could be that they learned the usage from family members and teachers educated in earlier generations. Follow the style guide of your choice. Save your linguistic wrath for things like, â€Å"Me and my brother graduated from Georgetown.† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Spelling category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Creative Writing 1015 Brainstorming Strategies for WritersAppropriate vs. Apropos vs. Apt